
I am sure you have always wondered how the magic of plating happens. Pictures of bubbling vats of metal probably pop into mind. Thank god this is not now it's really done.
I do not want to get too technical, but think back to your High school chemistry class( if it's not too painful !) When salt is added to water it ionizes. That is NaCl become Na+ and Cl-. Well when we plate we use what are called metal salts such as Nickle Sulfate and Chromium triOxide. To add Metal ions in the form of metal salts to a aquaous solution. Then we apply a potental to the part and magic, metal plates out on the part. Now this is a simplified explanation and the actual theory and practice of plating is much more complicated.
The plating procedure it's self is the easy part of restoring the part. The art is what procedes it.

The Plating Proccess

  1. Inspect the part for fit and straighten it as needed.
  2. Strip the part of it old plating.
  3. Polish, polish, polish...
  4. Copper plate.
  5. Copper buff.(this is where the part begins to aquire a mirror finish)
  6. Nickle plating.
  7. Chrome plating.
These steps are the the basic steps It mays seem simple but It requires the patience and skill of an artist to end up with well done piece and not a shiny, wavy,piece of metal.